by Farrier1987 » Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:28 pm
GW has a point about maybe not being legal. I didn't ask and I am not going to. An animal that is not full of recent medication, though they were probably vaccinated at some time goes out into a 20 acre bush. Out of sight of road, fairly far from any habitation, not sloping into runoff waterway. Once a year or two, different exact spot each time, not a regular bone yard like would be necessary with a larger commercial operation. I will do that, and not ask what the law is. Yeah, I am probably breaking the laws of Ontario, but I will probably continue to do so as required and not ask the authorities first.
Farrier1987. South of Chatham on Lake Erie. Chickens, goats, horse, garden, dog, cat. Worked all over the world. Know a little bit about a lot of things. No incubator, broody hens.